Yes. It's April. The weather is a rollercoaster ride. 70's, 80's then 20's, 40's; back up to 50's, 60's; down to 30's, 40' get the picture. Mixed with sun-filled days, beautiful tornado-like winds, torrential rains, cold/damp temps, and now....we've had a bit of a snowstorm overnight. Yes. Snow. Not to mention the winds are blowing about 40 mph from the NE. And then it's supposed to be in the mid 40's today.
Saturday we visited our elderly friends. I made an apple coffee cake the night before for the occasion. We got to their home about 10:00am and ate, drank coffee and talked for 2 hours. The husband will be going to the VA Retirement Home within the month. His health has been declining for a couple of years, but seems to have hit the gas pedal this past year. He can barely walk, doesn't know anyone but his wife, not even their 3 daughters. So sad. He used to be the most active person we knew. He was the realtor who sold us our house. He has no idea who we are - or that we bought the house from his client. He will be 84 next month.
She, of course, is worn to a frazzle. She rarely sleeps. She needs to be ever on alert for him. She was telling us that she can barely get out of the house to take care of business because he can make it to Senior Day Care only 2 days a week now instead of 5 days. He's generally too weak. She will be 78 in the Fall.
And there go we but for the grace of God. God bless them both and give them peace.
Wednesday I have to go to daughter's. She has her annual re-certification for her apartment. Gotta gather all the financial records. Then on Thursday we have the semi-annual meeting with the Independent Living group. Geezz, I hate meetings.
So I'll stay overnight at her apartment Wednesday. I'm taking some upholstery material. We're going to recover the seats on her kitchen chairs. Maybe I'll get her curtains washed and ironed, windows washed and blinds cleaned.
Did I mention I've been spinning a raspberry colored Shetland roving? No? Well, yep, I have. And it's been going very. very. slow. What the heck is up with processed wool having all this VM and grit running through it??? This is the 4th batch of Shetland (different providers, different years) like this. I can't believe it! It's very aggravating. Not to mention is does nothing for the mojo.
Started the second sleeve of the denim blue sweater. I was tempted to attach the finished sleeve, but talked myself out of it. Because that would be inviting trouble --- of course, one sleeve would wind up bigger/smaller than the other. The Fair Isle patterning looks pretty good; I hope the sleeve matches with the patterning on the yoke. I'm kinda making this up as I go along. So if it turns out I'll be one ecstatic knitter!! If not, it'll get put away until I can find the heart and energy to rip it.
I intentionally made the sweater smaller than I've ever made any sweater. I like 'em BIG! I hate tight fitting shirts and sweaters. But I really have to start thinking "small". Or at least "small-er". BH has been after me to sell my handknits next Fall. So I need to start knitting for the small to average size person. Not just for my own size. Which will not be discussed right now. Just think "Big".
And for the no-brainer knitting, there's a pair of socks in the works. Actually, the cuff of the first of the pair is being worked on. This is what will go with me to daughter's. Just in case we decide not to do any cleaning til next time. After we get the chairs re-covered. Maybe when we come back from eating supper somewhere.
You gotta have a "Plan B".
knitting getaway
6 years ago
I guess Robert Frost got it write when he wrote...
"The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
You know how it is with an April day.
When the sun is out and the wind is still,
You're one month on in the middle of May.
But if you so much as dare to speak,
a cloud come over the sunlit arch,
And wind comes off a frozen peak,
And you're two months back in the middle of March."
We had a couple of days of winds. I have a lot of wind chimes and they are beautiful when a soft breeze floats by and they tinkle but the constant racket caused by the high winds was annoying. Today we are to be 80. We need rain. But for all the unseasonably warm weather my apple tree's have yet to bloom and all the other trees are still in bud without leaves. Oh well complaining about the weather won't change it...DRATS!!!
Hahaha, Judy. I haven't put the wind chimes up yet --- and I'm sooo glad because they'd be spending most days sitting on the floor of the deck!! Hope you're warm weather continues, but you get the much needed rain. Horrible storm here all day yesterday. We must've gotten 2-3" of rain; 40mph winds --- and a couple inches of snow this morning!!! Egads!!
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